If you can’t find the right words to express your feelings, here you go ! BY GLEE prepared some of message ideas may help you to expressing your feelings!
Birthday 生日
- There is only one happiness in life is Always Be Yourself And Live Happily.
- Have a wonderful, happy, healthy birthday now and forever.
- Life is a journey. Enjoy every mile.
- On the winding road that is life, you are the one I want to ride along with. Happy birthday!
- Be happy in the moment, that’s enough. Each moment is all we need, not more.
- 愿每天的太阳带给你光明的同时,也带给你快乐。真心祝你生日快乐!
- 想念的话,说也说不完,关怀的心,永远不改变。一串真挚的祝福,一个不平凡的心意,衷心地祝愿你生日快乐!
- 祈望你心灵深处芳草永绿,青春常驻,笑口常开。祝你生日快乐,健康幸福!
- 支支灿烂的烛光,岁岁生日的幸福。幸运的你,明天会更好!
- 轻轻一声祝愿,胜过千言万语,当敲响你生日的钟声,别忘了我的祝福,祝你生日快乐!
Love & Anniversary 爱&纪念日
- You and me , Forever and always.
- Forever love.
- My forever & always.
- Cheers to yet another trip around the sun.
- You will always be my forever.
- I love you more than words can express. Happy Anniversary.
- Love grows more tremendously full, swift, poignant, as the years, multiply.
- Where there is Love there is Life.
- 因为我刚好遇见你.
- 往后余生,我只要你.
- 相遇,相识,相知,相惜.
- 未来不管如何变化 心中依然有你.
- 相遇即是缘.
- 因为我刚好遇见你,给你我拥有的幸福.
- 让我们锁住浪漫,一生无悔.
- 幸福就是找一个温暖的人过一辈子.
- 幸福是相互陪伴和依赖.
- 有缘有份要珍惜,相守爱护不相弃.
Congratulatory & Motivation 祝贺 & 激励
- Dream it. Believe it. Build it.
- Be different; be unique; be yourself.
- There is only one happiness in life is always be yourself and live happily.
- To shine your brightest light is to be who you truly are.
- Best Way To Predict The Future Is To Create It.
- Focus! Just Do It!
- Be Yourself.
- Anything is Possible.
- After a storm comes a calm.
- Be Happy, Be Bright, Be You.
- Be a dream chaser.
- Better Things Are Coming.
- Bloom where you are planted.
- I Think. I Believe. I Achieve
- Better Late Than Never.
- Life always beautiful.
- Trust Yourself.
- Fortune favors the brave.
- Everything happened for a good reason.
- The influence of a great principal can never be Erased.
- You are the definition of success
- Education is the most powerful weapon. Which you can use to change the world.
- Knowledge is power and wisdom to made people beautiful.
- The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.
- Dream big, Fly high.
- Turn your wounds into wisdom.
- Hold the vision, trust the process.
- Dreams never end.
- Live for the moments you can’t put into words.
- It Always Seems Impossible Until It’s Done.
- Let your dreams be your wings
- Life has got all those twists and turns. You’ve got to hold on tight and off you go
- Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and shadows will fall behind you
- Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts
- 把学习当作是一种生活的习惯.
- 努力造就实力, 态度决定高度.
- 只有奋斗努力,才能尝到胜利的果实.
- 不忘初心、方得始终、初心易得、始终难守.
- 相信自己的力量去完成你任何的梦想,让幸福撒满每一个角落.
- 一直守护着你 愿梦想离你越来越近.
- 每一分私下的努力,通通都记下,成功就在不远处.
- 生活就是一个百味瓶,里面装着我们的喜怒哀乐.
- 放弃很简单, 但坚持一定很酷.
- 人生就像一杯茶,不会苦一辈子,但总会苦一阵子.
- 人的梦想是不会结束的
- 不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹?
- 比别人多一点执着,你就会创造奇迹。
- 不惧害怕 寻找属于自己人生的精彩
- 生活的乐趣在于,发现细碎烟火中的美好,品尝平凡日子里的幸福
- 只要你努力,我就说你的,而且终身有效
- 女人需要明白的是,气质比年龄重要,笑容比外貌重要,快乐比一切都重要
Wedding 婚庆
- Once in awhile, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale.
- The highest happiness on earth is the happiness of marriage.
- Two souls with but a single thought; two hearts that beat as one.
- Faith makes all things possible. Love makes all things easy.
- Marriage is a beautiful convergence of two journeys. May the roads of life lead you to adventure.
- 百年好合, 永结同心.
- 祝你们永远相爱,携手共渡美丽人生!
- 相亲相爱幸福永,同德同心幸福长.
- 幸福美满,永寿偕老!
- 美满良缘,白首成约!
Newborn 新生儿
- Wishing every happiness will always be with you.
- Fearfully and wonderfully made.
- You are my definition of perfection.
- The sweetest little part of destiny.
- Twinkle twinkle little star, do you know how loved you are?
- Welcome to the new superstar in our family.
- 願你像檜木一樣有強大保護力,茁壯成長.
- 灿烂的季节迎接灿烂的你. 这个世界因你而变化.
- 愿你像颗种子,勇敢地冲破泥沙,将嫩绿的幼芽伸出地面,指向天空.
- 你是泊于港口的一叶小舟,愿你扬起勇敢的帆,载着梦想,驶向辽阔的海洋.
- 前面的路还长,你却让希望承载在我的翅膀. 愿意带你去飞翔.
Thank You 感谢
- Best mentor in the world.
- Nevertheless she persisted.
- Hero spirit of Mints.
- I can never thank you enough for you generosity.
- Your thoughtfulness is a gift I will always treasure.
- Sometimes the simplest things mean the most.
- 我对您的慷慨大度永远感激不尽.
- 你若安好,便是晴天.
- 不负遇见,一路有你们真好.
- 感谢在人海茫茫中有你!
- 感恩生命里,所有对我好的人,人生有你们的陪伴才圆满.
- 风雨同舟,感恩有你的陪伴.
- 感谢你用逝去的时光教会我:不忘初心,方得始终.
Housewarming 乔迁
- Home is the starting place of love, hope and dreams.
- New home. New adventures. New memories.
- Having a place to go is HOME;
Having someone to love & Care is FAMILY;
Having both is a BLESSING… - A home is a heaven filled with love, memories, and joy.
- Home is where love resides, memories are created, friends always belong, and laughter never ends.
- The secret ingredient is always love.
- Love builds a happy home.
- There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy.
- Bless the FOOD before us, the FAMILY beside us, and the love between us.
- Home sweet home
- 新居落成之际,恭贺乔迁之喜.
- 乔迁之喜,祝事业步步茂,生活节节高.
- 喜建华堂春风入座;乔迁新屋喜气盈门.
- 良辰吉日庆乔迁,祝愿幸福快乐不一般!
Food lover 美食爱好者
- cooking with love
- All happiness depends on a leisurely food
- Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first
- Live, love, eat
- A little slice of heaven
- Life is infinitely delicious
- A day is best started on a full stomach
- 自己做美食也是一种人生的享受
- 最幸福的时刻便是享受自己做的美食
- 人生能有几多愁,美食尝遍消尽愁
- 人生如美食
- 幸福就是,美食在锅,好友想念,不问明天
- 有美食和爱不会失望
Gratitude 感恩
- Gratitude is the most exquisite form of courtesy
- Thankful. Grateful. Blessed
- The root of joy is gratefulness
- Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul
- Joy is the simplest form of gratitude
- Nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart
- 感恩是最精致的礼物
- 感恩是从灵魂中绽放的最美丽的花朵
- 喜悦是最简单的感恩形式
- 天涯海角有尽处 只有师恩无穷期 感谢您, 老师